So for this blog I am brainstorming the different pictures that I could possibly take to reveal a few elements of photography. I hope to get close to the examples I am predicting here but no promises so here we go...
Emphasis- How about a Picture of my hamster against something huge?
Harmony - How about a nice landscape picture?
Unity - How about my fish in the fishtank?
rhythm-Me playing my drumset. lol.
Opposition- How about like a day of a coming storm on a nice day?
Balance- A butterfly?
movement- sports photo, a car,
pattern- The tile floor
balance- Drums against a green screen
proportion- Buildings
variety- a fruit basket
line- The stairs
shape-the blue foam rocking chair in my room
form-Sandcastle, snowman
texture- The snow/sand
value- Shadows
space-person in front of a landscape
color-a rainbow


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